
Would this be a good LP example for Amazon and if so which one would it be or it's several?

There were some unusual decisions that people were grumbling about such as selecting food at department lunches that wasn't good for vegetarians or scheduling meetings at odd times. Some people thought they were deliberately doing it to make us work harder. But I felt whoever was doing these things just wasn't very observant of people's food preferences and work schedule. So first I found out who was making these choices and then went to talk to the person to suggest specific changes such as ordering vegetarian food if we had a team lunch or moving meeting times to a good time for everyone such as not Fri 9 pm. I also explained why these changes would be good such as improving morale and the feeling that the company cared about the people. There was increased satisfaction afterward and some people who were job searching decided to stay. Would that be bias for action, earning trust or insisting on the highest standards or something else? Is this a good example of something or I should try to think of something that I did that was better?

Microsoft @zzz Apr 19, 2018

Perfect for a cafeteria manager.

Microsoft @zzz Apr 19, 2018

Ok go for it then.

WvaMf6 OP Apr 19, 2018

I accidentally deleted it but I said I'm pretty sure it has something to do with improving team morale and retaining team members with no added costs.

Amazon bandwagon Apr 19, 2018

Use it only for frugality or as a backup to the backup example for another LP. You don't want to waste your bias for action or earns trust on this example as it's a little too weak in terms of impact. The LPs are not all equal despite what HR claims.

Amazon VkZDa Apr 20, 2018

Was this your job? If not, ownership

Amazon Kyrnjrsvfd Apr 21, 2018

For L5 or below it could be a good backup anecdote to use if you’re stuck. Otherwise it’s too trivial, unless it’s part of a wider “ways in which I improved retention by improving job satisfaction” example. Then it could be Ownership or H&D the B.