HousingAug 31, 2017

Would u prefer to join great team or to create a great team from scratch?

Imagine you have two options - join a startup with a great business/operations unit, or join a startup with no/small business unit and build a great one through some resistance because of initial setup efforts required from everyone. What would u choose? Why?

Microsoft JK4562 Aug 31, 2017

Create a great team.

JKcy28 Aug 31, 2017


Eigen chancellor Aug 31, 2017

Create ..

Expedia 73297329 Aug 31, 2017

Join, I'm lazy.

WRKSHP 🌧️☔ Aug 31, 2017


Capital One xxx89 Aug 31, 2017


Uber GMie27 Aug 31, 2017

Create...but human cloning is very controversial.

Mapp OrangeToad Aug 31, 2017

Create. There's no better experience in the world for someone like me (I am an ENFP personality) than bringing the right people together from my networks and totally kicking ass. Plus the instant chemistry on the team would be a cool experience.

bKWB01 OP Aug 31, 2017

Thanks for a detailed answer! What do u think the compensation should be? Is there a rule for "creating should be compensated more" or "working for great team should be compensated more" for same experience level? Should u get higher salary for high responsibility or lower salary for cool experience?

Mapp OrangeToad Aug 31, 2017

I live in the southeast man, I can even fathom salaries that most of you west coasters deal with. But yeah creating should totally be paid more, you're bring your resources and people to the table. Higher salary for more responsibility period

Nike hUgJ51 Aug 31, 2017


qazbs11 Aug 31, 2017

Join. I've done the "creating" thing for pretty much my whole career, but am eager to know what it is like on a great team at a big company for once.

WRKSHP 🌧️☔ Aug 31, 2017

Too much effort to create and you don't know if people will mesh. I'd much rather join.

Mapp OrangeToad Aug 31, 2017

If you bring your own people you can work around this problem. Best leaders rarely build a team from scratch, they bring their own guys to fill up at least some of the spots

Mapp OrangeToad Aug 31, 2017

As an example I just got hired to create team, not trying to toot my horn, but j wouldn't of taken it if 4 of the best I've ever worked with with good chemistry weren't ready to come with me.