
Would you check your email/slack while on a long vacation?

Going on a vacation for more than a month overseas and am wondering if I should be checking email/slack while I'm away. As much as want to be completely unplugged from work, coming back to hundreds of slack/emails would be a nightmare to catch up on.

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Intel 🙋‍♀️choice Jun 26, 2022

Hell no. Vacation is my time.

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Goldman Sachs HeLow Jun 26, 2022

My management says that you shouldn't work during vacation. Vacation are meant to serve as break, enjoy it. Once you're back to work, you're energized and should be good at work.

Cimpress StewieGrf Jun 26, 2022

What about weekends ?

HCA Healthcare h7gerb Jun 26, 2022

I would skim slack channels every few days just to get an idea of what’s going on. Wouldn’t do any actual work