Would you sell Meta or Google stock right now?

Gotta pay taxes and need to sell about $50k in stock. I kept my last grant from Meta (now worth about 80k) and haven't sold any Google stock yet (570k vested). My gut says to sell Google because I already have way too much of my net worth invested in Google. Any reason it makes sense to sell Meta instead? I've held both for over a year. TC 725 but also first generation not poor and am pretty overwhelmed by investment.

136 Participants
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Microsoft ODJy56 Feb 24

Sell google, meta is still cheap stock fundamentally

Meta horn dog Feb 24

What’s your price target for meta?

Microsoft ODJy56 Feb 24


Amazon okboomer Feb 24

Given their current price, as a neutral investor which of G or Meta would you buy at their current price now? Hold that. Sell the other.

afdjeudh Feb 24

AIs going to give Google search problems by creating a more level playing field

SAP plkks Feb 25

-.- what part of diversifying your investment did you not understand..sell Google you have way too many stocks on them

Meta himetamate Feb 25

Sell google hold meta

Stripe skyclub Feb 25

What % of NW is Google? Sell and Diversify if > 20%

General Motors ultrcruise Feb 25

Inverse Blind , keep Google

Microsoft utxo Feb 25


sealayof Feb 26

1. Make sure it’s long term capital gains (lower tax) 2. Since you are still at meta, consider selling an amount equal to your next vesting grant to stay “neutral” on meta 3. Consider selling 2-4x the $$$ amount of Meta sold in Google stock to re balance your asset allocation.

Google prime13 Feb 27

Glad I sold a lot of $googl from my personal accounts for $amzn. Looking to start offloading my RSUs soon. There are better stocks than $googl out there.