Basis Technologies陳小明

undocumented entities have more worker right than visa workers

For the h1bs once you are terminated you have 2 months to find the next job or get the fuck out of the country, while the undocumented not only can stay but also be able to look for job stress free without worrying about visa logistics, as if they are maintaining a permanent residency with work authorization. How unfair

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Cubic Corgi^2 Apr 25

Tbh there’s more demand for unskilled labor than tech labor.

Amazon ei!2 Apr 25

If you are talking about DACA then the comparison isn’t valid. Someone on H1B chose to come here by their free will. Someone on DACA was illegally brought into the US without their consent. They are a gray zone because they were brought as children so they themselves didn’t break the law so the US can’t really just deport them

job_sf Apr 25

Children of H1Bs didn't choose to come here, but they have to leave the country upon turning 18 or go on F1, then play the H1B lottery. Why do Dems not care about legal children of legal H1Bs?

Microsoft tinybigbro Apr 25

Don’t children of H1Bs get birthright citizenship??

job_sf Apr 25

Sad, but true.

^_^ Apr 25

sure. but you also have to enjoy shit tier pay and live with 10 people to a room

job_sf Apr 25

Nobody forced them to come here. If they don't want their shitty jobs as farm workers, they're free to go home to their actual country

Cubic Corgi^2 Apr 25

If it bothers visa holders this much then they’re free to go home to their actual country.

Wells Fargo FzpS78 Apr 25

Singapore gives 30 days. If you don’t like the rules then don’t play the game. Stop whining. Move to a country that has rules you like.

Google eurodude Apr 25

They have more workers' rights? What worker rights? Only jobs they can get are cash paid and likely below the ridiculous minimum wage, which did not move for 40 years. H1B can become an illegal immigrant after losing the status but not the other way around. Also, illegal immigrants can not get a drivers license. And good luck without it in the USA

Google eurodude Apr 25

I guess DL requirements vary by state. Every state I lived, they always asked for proof of legal residence.

Splunk 🕊️onearth Apr 25

Why don’t you lose your status and work a hard labor job that so-called illegal immigrants are doing? You’ll have your ass handed to you in a day.

Wells Fargo FzpS78 Apr 26

I think the OP is referring to the “asylum” seekers who don’t have to work and still get govt benefits like housing, food, & healthcare. I’m anticipating your next question of where that is and the answer is NYC for one.

Splunk 🕊️onearth Apr 26

Trust me. Neither OP nor you want to be from the countries that these asylum seekers come from. If you’re a software engineer and on this app, it’s most likely you are from a particular country or a similar country with an educational infrastructure that allowed you to become a software engineer. It’s a little nasty to be throwing stones at people who’ve lost everything and have had their home land destroyed due to gratuitous American intervention in their politics.

^_^ Apr 25

op: literal slaves have it better than me. free housing guaranteed jobs

Basis Technologies 陳小明 OP Apr 25

10k debit card and hotel if living in New York

kumamon1 Apr 26

Youre the wrong kind of brown sorry

Splunk 🕊️onearth Apr 26

Maybe you should go visit and get Venezuelan or Palestinian citizenship. You’d wish you were in Bangalore instead.