Tech IndustryDec 21, 2021

Linkedin refused to extend an offer. There's a twist though.

#Hi, good people on Blind. Recently I had appeared for an interview with Linkedin. The entire process had 8 rounds of interviews spanning multiple days (Almost a month). I was pretty confident that I'd get an offer considering the way I'd performed during the interviews. However, today I got to hear from HR. As per HR, my feedback was positive, however, they have already closed the position by hiring an internal recruit. I was also made aware that since my feedback was positive I'll be considered for a suitable opening in the future should there be any, without having to go through the entire process again with an exception of the hiring manager round. I am neither happy nor sad. I want to understand from you guys what do you think?. Is the reason provided a genuine one? How do I know?. I am not disappointed, however, considering the amount of time I'd invested in preparation and interviews makes me wanna sigh hard. BT 6+ yrs, 30L(23+4+3) #tech #linkedin #interview #faang #leetcode

InMobi onCreate Dec 21, 2021

May the force be with you mate.

Arcesium l33tin Dec 21, 2021

Can be genuine, this happens and don't take personally.

SAP tc.yoe Dec 21, 2021

Only problem is if the HR who contacted you leaves the company. Happened to my friend...

Walmart @amy OP Dec 21, 2021

Yes I think this is a good point. I will clarify this with the H r

Microsoft KrSF24 Dec 26, 2021

I had 6 rounds of interviews and 2 hours long hackerrank with Tableau. Recruiter told that feedback is positive, been over a month, no team match. Sometimes it is better to accept the truth and move on. I can totally relate as I spent close to 1.5 months chasing this role.

Walmart @amy OP Dec 27, 2021

For how long is your feedback valid?. Also in mean while did you check for any suitable openings and got back to H R

Microsoft KrSF24 Dec 27, 2021

Oh that I don’t know, but your case seems more positive but don’t hang on to it, keep interviewing elsewhere and if at LinkedIn works out that’s great