How is the WLB at UnitedHealthCare?

How is the WLB at UnitedHealthCare? #UnitedHealthCare

JPMorgan Chase LakeErie Mar 22

Ha! I worked 12-14 hrs. Felt pressured to not take time off. I was hospitalized and my manager called me to join the scrum, which I did remotely from my hospital bed. I was a TDPer (entry level).

Splunk SuffixFree Mar 22

Scrum from hospital bed is nuts!

Optum poophead72 Mar 27

It's what you make it. I work standard hours, and I open my computer at 9AM and close my computer at 5PM sharp. Very occasionally, I might do something after hours, but mostly NO. I have Teams in my phone, but unless it is my director, and the world is on fire, it can wait until tomorrow.

UnitedHealthcare lllIlll Mar 28

Wlb used to be good but it's getting worse...