Phoenix Children'sBlahunuaa

Manager’s been acting cold ever since I expressed disappointment in no annual raise

A couple of months ago, I had my performance review that went smoothly, but shortly after, I learned that I wouldn’t be receiving a raise for the second consecutive year. Unsure if I should address it, I eventually expressed my disappointment to my manager, who responded with typical corporate rhetoric. Ever since that meeting, my manager’s attitude towards me has completely changed. From “You are one of the key players on our team” to “You need to step it up”. From going out of his way to appreciate me to not recognizing anything, which is find maybe I am not doing anything worthy of that. The point being that all of this happened within a span of 2 months. I am sure I didn’t start performing poorly all of a sudden. Anyway, blind what do you think of this situation and what should I do? TC: 135K YOE: 4.5 Not at Phoenix Children’s

xMicro$oft Apr 23

It sounds to me like you should have left last year for more TC. You’re technically getting a pretty big comp reduction accounting for inflation.

Phoenix Children's Blahunuaa OP Apr 23

Thanks for reminding!

Databricks datadickr Apr 23

Managers can suck the life off you and they will keep giving you shit like this.

Morgan Stanley dirtyduece Apr 23

Leave... regardless of this situation with your manager, two years of no raises is a non starter IMO. Frankly you did the right thing, although I would have said something after the first no raise... Imo with compensation if you give an inch they take a mile. If they think you're the sort of person that will roll over when given crap comp you'll get it more often, probably why you didn't get a raise 2 years running

Phoenix Children's Blahunuaa OP Apr 23

Yes I am happy too that atleast I told them I am not happy, regardless of the outcome. Although I did not expect the outcome to be that suddenly I need to “step it up”. Anyway thanks for the advice.

Morgan Stanley dirtyduece Apr 23

He might be butt hurt about it and is starting the process to manage you out... some managers act like it's their own personal money.... anyways Best of luck

Google jpdHlsnk Apr 23

It seems like your manager wasn't happy with your performance hence the lack of raises. They probably realized that trying to be encouraging and supportive was giving you the wrong impression. Either way, trying to understand your manager's behavior doesn't matter. 2 years of no raises is not acceptable and you seem to be getting underpaid for your YOE. Time to start applying elsewhere.

Phoenix Children's Blahunuaa OP Apr 23

Thanks that makes sense.

yWWM00 Apr 23

Do you know if anyone else on his team got raises?? Typically..managers are alloted a pot of cash which they share amongst their team... So..its either no one on the team got any..or you are not as good as you thought... And now with you bringing it up, your manager is like..."ohh...this guy needs to earn his increase..seems like I was taking it easy on him"

Phoenix Children's Blahunuaa OP Apr 23

Yeah many people did not get a raise either.