Misc.Jun 13, 2022

Why does Microsoft even exist in this day and age?

First a day zero exploit in word which they refused to fix and now they forgot to renew certs? I mean how low is the bar for competence? But let’s give them a chance shall we? - A dumpster fire of an OS that every kid in Russia knows how to exploit. Let’s not forget the “telemetry”. - Windows server 😂. I mean who puts a calculator that can be exploited on a server? Just give me a bare bones *nix server that I can ssh into. - Exchange is so bad that it was constantly subject to attacks in early 2019 and the feds(yes the feds) had to step in to help Microsoft patch their garbage code. How hard can it be to design a mail server? You can easily set one up in Linux and I bet you it would be more secure than exchange. - Ah yes, office which is full of zero day exploits to which their response is always “Yeah we knew about it, if you’re so worried just air gap your workstation bro”. - Azure. I’m pretty sure nobody uses any of the MS garbage like Cosmos DB and Microsoft server. I guess if there’s a house fire, the feds will come back and patch it for them while all the microsofties twiddle their thumbs and watch them. - Even the subsidiaries they acquire suck with the same garbage info sec practices. LinkedIn is probably the heavy weight champion of being exploited and leaking passwords not to mention it’s now a lunatic asylum. Before y’all say “muh GitHub”, git is open source thanks to daddy torvalds. Anyone can slap a UI with authentication on top of it. - XBoX is probably yet another ally to a malicious actor who can brick it order to gain access to the home network. Let’s not forget “telemetry”. Ok I think I’ve made my point but let’s look at their PR situation. - Racist and sexist hiring and promotion practices. - Employees who are incentivized to do absolutely nothing and “rESt aNd VEst”, don’t worry the feds will fix it for us. Everyone knows you go here to retire in an intellectual coma. How is this company reporting earnings every quarter? I’ve seen a lot of posts here that say MS should be included in FAANG which really makes me chuckle. They are more like WITCH tier with such terrible info sec practices. Heck I’m willing to gamble that TCS has better info and op sec practices. What can we do? - Maybe we can just let them fade like boomer IBM that keeps yelling “back in my day… Watson… Jeopardy” in the background but at-least IBM is not causing threats to national security. We should just pull the plug on Microsoft. - Now I understand that many boomers and normies who play “muh video games” might be devastated by this sudden death coz of Microsoft’s successful brainwashing campaign in the 90s but I’m sure we can rice a Linux distro to look exactly like windows and both of them wouldn’t even know. What do y’all think?

75 Participants
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Yahoo jtOQ61 Jun 13, 2022

Why does Amazon?

Amazon Nooooodles Jun 13, 2022

Yahoo is talking

Yahoo jtOQ61 Jun 13, 2022

I asked you first

Microsoft I<3Windows Jun 13, 2022

We are nothing like IBM. Strong enterprise products. There’s a reason why we are #2/3 most valuable company in the world.

Amazon wwXwwy Jun 13, 2022

Disagree on Azure. Azure has more market share than gcp at least. That and surface pros are the only things Microsoft has innovated on. OneNote is pretty good too, if you own a surface or other tablet-like thing. Other than that, I agree

RBC biskitty Jun 13, 2022

Wtf is this. If you’re going to make a polemic argument at least explain it cogently. Microsoft still creates value and captures value (ie cash flow). Why don’t you go learn something besides reading complaints on Blind. Maybe a corporate strategy course or two or three.

Amazon wwXwwy Jun 13, 2022

I'm confused how Meta, a place who had fucking Facebook games as their gaming portfolio, and Steam, with their tiny headcount, have gone into VR with so much more success than Microsoft, who tried their Kinect shit and had so much more experience and time in games.

Amazon AntiMayoid Jun 13, 2022

Fwiw, Valve made the Vive with HTC and Meta acquired Oculus. VR is much more of a hardware and user interfacing problem then it is a games one. Mixed Reality is still shit though.

Microsoft maggie😋🦼 Jun 13, 2022

Why are you so salty? Nobody is asking you to join Microsoft.

Uber lastofuspc Jun 13, 2022

They were probably rejected from MSFT

GDcb38 Jun 13, 2022

Has the bar for posts on blind gone this low?

Amazon potsmoker Jun 13, 2022

Ok bro! Have you ever worked on a large scale system and worked with CVEs? You seem to be one of those application level engineers who are happy writing some simple service code. Oh look I introduced threads.

LinkedIn NJfb05 Jun 13, 2022

Good on you. I’ll be hodling my MSFT tendies.

Microsoft 🥜🥜🥜? Jun 13, 2022

I want to know how I can get "the feds" to do my job so I can get on with "resting and vesting"