Misc.Oct 14, 2023

Islamic nations support hamas

No one condemned the killings of civilians, children. No one condemned taking old and young as hostages. Majority were dancing on the streets when Israeli Civilians were murdered by palestenian terrorists Now they are sharing old videos and excuses of oppression, trying to justify the killings of women and babies. They are peaceful people. Can't call out the elephant in the room. Move along everyone.

Walmart karmareal Oct 14, 2023

That's been their playbook literally forever.

NVIDIA IOcj80 Oct 14, 2023

Well.. do I have to say that? Muslims are brainwashed all over the world. Sorry for not being woke; that’s just da way it is =\

Micron Hoven Oct 14, 2023

You can say same thing about Christian nations when they are warring in the Middle East and killing innocent women and children. Stop being polarized idiot. Think for yourself. Peace and negotiation is the only way. Advocate for that or get lost.

ARM inthvfhbv Oct 14, 2023

Unfortunately negotiations don’t work with Islamic countries. They just can’t coexist. They want everything they wish for

Micron Hoven Oct 14, 2023

Stop invading them for land and resources then. They need nothing from you and you need a lot from them

Snap 97hj8y Oct 14, 2023

OP, are you Indian?

Financial Service Company bfDl20 Oct 14, 2023

A modi forever type lol, don’t worry, your white masters will come scoop you back up into the empire one day

PwC 🆓Palestin Oct 14, 2023


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Micron Hoven Oct 14, 2023

“They’re all brainwashed..” - any chance you could be brainwashed as well? Or is that a uniquely Muslim thing?

LinkedIn hTaF20 Oct 14, 2023

If Gaza people lack of water due to lockdown, 2 million civilians will die in three days.

Twilio okiamout Oct 14, 2023

If I could travel in the past, I would give movie tickets to your parents for the day you were conceived.

LinkedIn hTaF20 Oct 14, 2023

Shame on you.

Twilio okiamout Oct 14, 2023

I guess you did not read Arab media. Also, given the countless war crimes committed by the counteroffense during the last week, there is much more to talk about the other side now.

Meta h1bvirus OP Oct 14, 2023

Yes, started the conflict then crying about repercussions.

Twilio okiamout Oct 14, 2023

Denouncing war crimes is crying about repercussions? Are you living in Bizzarro world?

Google bigusmigus Oct 14, 2023

Tf is this street shitting Indian talking about. Half the reports about babies dying, rape etc are unsubstantiated. I’m sure the Israelis will still send you guys a shipment of cow piss for supporting them tho!

LinkedIn SSDasa Oct 14, 2023

Still better than being pedos/ goat fuckers.

Meta h1bvirus OP Oct 14, 2023

Not sure why I'm being called an Indian but read this. Curious which country you are from as well. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12629669/hamas-map-kibbutz-school-children.html

Meta yyffotcb Oct 14, 2023

This will also become 'old video'.

Meta fhiDiej@& Oct 14, 2023

Why are Indians fucking obsessed with being racist lmao. It’s like all they do all day

Meta h1bvirus OP Oct 14, 2023

Your statement is racist, I'm Brazilian FYI.

Meta fhiDiej@& Oct 14, 2023

LOL bro did not just reply to a racism accusation with “Actually I’m Brazilian” you can’t make this shit up 😂😂