IPOSep 21, 2022

Inmobi Stock Price Estimate

What do you think is the valuation of Inmobi stock currently? Round it off to the nearest 10. None of us know exactly, but let's play the guessing game. @inmobi #inmobi

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Google french fry Sep 21, 2022

stock price isn't particularly meaningful, market cap is more important.

InMobi abcxyzman OP Sep 24, 2022

Just trying to gauge how much our RSUs are worth.

Fujitsu gsport Sep 22, 2022

IPO anytime soon?

InMobi abcxyzman OP Sep 24, 2022

Highly unlikely given the state of the stock market

InMobi pirat Sep 22, 2022

Wasn't it 100$ and expected to go up at the ipo. Or those were just rumors? 😅

InMobi abcxyzman OP Sep 24, 2022

Yes, but since stock market is down now, I guess valuation would be much lower than what they intended to go IPO with last year.

InMobi abcxyzman OP Sep 24, 2022

Given <20$ is a joke answer, which most of Blind usually goes with. I guess $60-$70 would be a good approximation from the poll results.

InMobi rising003 Sep 24, 2022

Does anyone know at what valuation InMobi stock price said to be 100$?