
SpaceX on-site

Can anyone give any insight on how to best prepare the project presentation for SpaceX on-site? Anything specific I should keep in mind or really try and get across? Is making it Mars themed going over board? What are some common follow-up questions that get asked? TC 250 Yes I know what Iā€™m getting into considering SpaceX. Thanks for worrying about me. ā¤ļø

PayPal g7RaoU Jan 30

its easy tbh

Amazon initdeezšŸ„œ OP Jan 30

Can you elaborate? What kind of follow-up questions did you get during the presentation? Behavioral? Did you get an offer?

PayPal g7RaoU Jan 30

edge cases about the design that they could come up with similar to what you would get on the job at an architecture review then some simple behaviorals. Yea i got the job, i dont think many software ppl want to work there so their bar for answers is pretty chill. Hardware is probably the equivalent of jane street for swes what i mean is i didnt take the offer, it felt like 996 work in china

Amazon dzdandcnfs Jan 30

I got an offer about 3 years ago. Theyā€™ll grill you on specifics, but itā€™s not all that hard of a process imo. I think SpaceX cares about your specific experience more than most companies Iā€™ve interviewed at, and they will dig into your thought process, reasons for implementation details, etc. If you know your shit, youā€™ll be fine. Good luck!

Potato-X Feb 2

They really really really want to see how you went above and beyond what was asked of you. For example your boss asked you to solve ā€œAā€ but instead you solved, A, B, C and did a back flip. They also want to see in the presentation how you ran into a problem and you had to come up with an out of the box solution. Even with the rough working condition I do miss it, it was one of the most rewarding work. I just could not stand my direct boss and the only reason I quit. I worked 16 hours days x 6 days a week and he gives me all 3s. Very infuriating.

Amazon initdeezšŸ„œ OP Feb 2

What part of the company was this? Were you SWE?