Office LifeJul 28, 2019

Nextdoor: work culture

hey there, Nextdoor is going to be my new workplace. what it feels to work at Nextdoor (platform / dev/ tools/ infrastrucutre teams) ? 1. lot of work ? 2. how is WFH policy across teams ? 3. flexibility in tasks 4. onCall ? is it scary ? 5. How are your supervisors/ managers i am confused because I have a family and dont want to leave south bay because my parents love to be close to community. so my commute will be much longer and at the same time would have to get back home early.

Guru88 Jul 28, 2019

šŸæ following. Curious about howā€™s their business

Microsoft šŸŒ²fiddy Jul 28, 2019

You probably should have figured this out before you accepted the offer?

Nextdoor CatDogBird Jul 28, 2019

Congrats! A lot of the answers will vary by team, so I'll speak from my own experience: 1. I'd imagine less work than Amazon šŸ˜‚ 2. No official policy, but managers allow it 3. PMs are generally good about soliciting feedback from engineers. As with any product, there are competing interests at play (often revenue), but I generally feel like I'm being heard when I make suggestions. 4. Oncall was recently restructured so that a small group of engineers handle general site/infra issues, while everyone else is placed into a rotation for their specific feature/platform. Seems like it's been working well so far. 5. My manager is chill - I feel like I can ask a question and get a fairly honest response (which is why you should be asking your hiring manager for more specifics on these questions) Some in the office arrange to leave early and work remotely in the evening, so it's really not a big deal... Just talk to your manager. Overall it's been a great opportunity to see a startup "growing up" - like any company there's some busy days, but nothing unmanageable or "scary".

Nextdoor foršŸ¦Šsake Jul 29, 2019

I'll say that regarding WFH - you should really prove that you deliver on time and can work and communicate effectively in office before requesting WFH schedule. If you just need to randomly wfh because you have a package or a plumber coming then it's never a big deal.

Nextdoor hLoz28 Jul 29, 2019

CatDogBird nailed it. I have nothing else to add.

Facebook winners Jul 29, 2019

Total comp?

Nextdoor goops Jul 29, 2019

Itā€™s competitive but like any pre-ipo company, is equity heavy and you need to believe in the company. If you have relevant experience from FB, you will get a good offer but more importantly a much better work environment.

Microsoft Dlva04 Aug 30, 2019

Whats the rough split between equity and salary?

Nextdoor goops Jul 29, 2019

My eng friends tell me oncall is much better after recent changes. They say itā€™s more chill now. Middle Managers are awesome, some of the best Iā€™ve had. Havenā€™t worked as much with people higher than that.

Microsoft Dlva04 Aug 13, 2019

How has the CEO change at Nextdoor been? Are you guys at a new office now?

Nextdoor proajz Aug 13, 2019

CEO is amazing, nothing but good things to say (my friends at Square say the same thing). Sheā€™s bringing in a lot of good talent. No new office yet