
DS opportunity at Agero

I recently got a message from a recruiter at Agero for a DS role. I'm currently working as a DS at Boston Consulting Group. I'm in a good spot, however, I want to move away from consulting (I find it exhausting to start afresh on cases and introduce myself 10000 times everytime I join a new case). I have not heard of Agero and after a little search I found out they're into driver assistance industry and focused on software. Glassdoor reviews look good. Compensation and WLB seems to be good enough for me. I guess my question really is that how do people determine/assess about company that they've never heard of but at the same time it's not like it's a bad org. Also, is it okay to go through the interview and if I get in but don't feel like it's for me, I just tell them that. It seems like a waste of time for me and the recruiters but at the same time I feel that's the only way to really assess the company and the role. TC: 180K zNvT34 Aug 9, 2023

They interview and talk to people and try to figure that out.

CIBC juggernau8 OP Aug 9, 2023

Could you share a bit about how did you decide eightfold is good org for you zNvT34 Aug 9, 2023

Sure, dm me?