Stashed 162k in retirement accounts after <1yr at G

401k + employer's match + megabackdoor + my and spouse's Roth IRA. About half of it is withdrawable (due to being in Roth). All of it is in fixed income securities @ 5.3% APR to protect against the AI bubble. Am I all set to leave G for a more meaningful job? L4, TC: 345k, YoE: 3.5 yrs Please rate my performance in the poll.

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Yahoo Inc .doodle Mar 27

How is that related to Google? What percentage is from Google match?

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 27

>How is that related to Google? Not every company has a generous match and megabackdoor >What percentage is from Google match? 22.75k

Datadog PoSz14 Apr 3

omg, google matches that much?

Google state 🌲 Mar 27

23K (401K max contributions) + 11.5K (Google match) + 46K (mega backdoor max) + 14K (two IRAs maxed) = $94.5K. What am I missing?

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 27

>What am I missing? Year 2023, apparently?

Google takeitizzy Mar 27

Mega backdoor is 46k? I thought it was max 35k

Meta Metamill Mar 27

401k total limit was 66k in 2023, 6.5k each in roth IRA. That will only take you to 79K invested. How tf you got to 162K?

T-Mobile myTy40 Mar 27

He probably invested instead of cash in IRA

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 27

>How tf you got to 162K Two tax periods within 1 year time span

Amazon spx9990 Mar 27

Roth IRA is trash. You didn’t do well

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 27

>Roth IRA is trash You grow tax free and you can take the principal after 5 years (if contributed through backdoor) if it is needed, say, for down payment. What's not to like?

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Comcast pxyB738 Mar 27

Good start towards retirement savings. Put it all in SPY and forget about it for 40 years. Next you need money in a taxable account for property down payments. For that account, check out BOXX: tax deferred, treasury bill yields

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 27

>Put it all in SPY and forget about it for 40 Not right now. Don't wanna be a part of the AI madness. But I will definitely invest in it after rates go down. >check out BOXX Interesting! Thank you for mentioning it. It's new and thus risky, but I like the idea. I will definitely consider it.

P&G vvDN21 Apr 3

No one ever won waiting for the market to go down. If you have a long time horizon, invest it all now.

Google takeitizzy Mar 27

Can you give the breakdown?

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 27

Just maxed out everything I mentioned in the OP post in 2023 and 2024 according to the Hack your Retirement Savings doc.

Good for your op, where’s this doc at?

Google Fugma Mar 27

How is your TC so high for an L4?

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 27

It was around 300k initially, but it went up due to RSU appreciation and refresher for the last year.

AIG Lurkovic Apr 6

How did you get “refreshers” after working for less than a year?🤥

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 27

Do we bump threads on Blind?

Google state 🌲 Mar 28

No, sounds like people just aren't that interested. Time to move along and get back to life

Google sWwF78 OP Mar 28

Yeah, you are probably right. Sorry, Blind, for creating a lame thread. I'll get better at it. Probably by creating more Rajеsh threads.

Cadence TiNs72 Apr 3

3.5yrs and TC $345k. Impressive

Credit Karma GnyE50 Apr 3

I'm not from G, what is megabackdoor?

Meta nqGt74 Apr 3

Contributions to after tax 401k that are immediately converted to either Roth IRA or Roth 401k.