Misc.Sep 30, 2022

Is the amount of work you put equivalent to amount of pay you receive?

Does your paychex reflect like the amount of work you do? #CuriosityDidNotKillTheCat #Lifestyle #Salary #Techwork #TechCareer #software #paychex #Payday #Payscale

126 Participants
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gilf0yle Sep 30, 2022

Worst audience for this poll Most of these people write code for a website or app that ultimately has no purpose

Amazon LnPV45 Sep 30, 2022

Please suggest better alternative

Amazon Htwp05 Sep 30, 2022

That’s me! I just do config changes for 350k / year. Work 20 hours max per week.

Google ggstrategy Sep 30, 2022

Paying for expertise is different than paying for manual labor. There’s a lot more factors involved. A more experienced person will more often be able to avoid making the mistakes a junior will make. That’s worth paying more for depending on the business needs

Cummins Produchood OP Sep 30, 2022

I am really curious to know what the underworked, over paid category does for a living. They are true geniuses

Blend Blenders Sep 30, 2022

Tech work 😂

Cummins Produchood OP Sep 30, 2022

Dev part of it?

uXCe58 Sep 30, 2022

Each time I worked super hard at a company, it didn't ever pay off at that company. BUT the skills that I earned by pushing myself allowed me to interview for huge TC bump at the next company.

fzXI60 Sep 30, 2022

This is the way