Google topkek1 Jan 23

Already there

Google r34i6 Jan 23

Who's leaving?

Qualcomm JupiterG Jan 23

Who is leaving??

Meta vjjhhjj Jan 23

What's up with Microsoft 🥜 ppl shitting on Google all the time

Flagged by the community.
Microsoft newman12 OP Jan 23

@vjjhhjj: Is your badge still working ?

Hudson River Trading UjKL01 Jan 23

It actually doesn’t matter at all. Google is 1.6B in the hole with DeepMind. That organization has never had, and frankly has no interest in having, any effect on Google’s bottom line. It’s basically just UBI for researchers.

mwWD87 Jan 23

Was the project going to amount to something? If yes, they can hire replacements.

Amazon matzukicha Jan 23

So 3 people leaving = Google is in deepshit

Google hiEu45 Jan 23

It’s a signal that Google brand is not what it was, and probably can’t retain top talent. Also, it’s much easier to launch something as a startup without all the McKinsey lead bureaucracy we have built inside

Meta QYFn62 May 17

Dumb comment. The AI space churns constantly, and cadence is increasing. People get restless after being way overpaid for too long, and Google and Google DeepMind are totally different worlds. A few people come, a few people go. It happens.

Microsoft ~lol~ Jan 23

Dude there are many startups happening this way, not gonna be in deep shit just because of a few

Microsoft newman12 OP Jan 23

Its not about startups, its about people leaving and morale. Starts small which can grown big