
YouTube “skip AD” UX

YouTube PM, Who approved your new skip ad UX? Share their linkedIN profile.

RBC lprngej Feb 12

I donno what you are talking about. I have YT premium

Google boomer1245 Feb 12

Blinders all have million $ net worth but won’t spend $15 a month

PayPal PayNotPal Feb 12

Thats what happens when you have monipoly

Microsoft BasedDev Feb 12

Ive used Brave for years and forgot youtube even had ads. Like why do you idiots watch them? Are you my grandma? Imagine paying a monthly fee instead of just using a different free browser. No wonder you are all poor.

RBC lprngej Feb 12

You watch YT only on your PC? Even in mobile browser experience is not that good

Microsoft BasedDev Feb 12

Brave has a mobile app, at least for android I just search and watch vidoes. No problems with mobile browser.