Offer EvaluationOct 26, 2023

Broadcom or AMD

Background - 8 years in enginnering then MBA. Interned at NVDIA last spring (during MBA). Was not offered full time position. Got two offers from Broadcom and AMD. I liked AMD but they low-balled. Help me decide. #marketing

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Marketing Manager
TC: $249K
Marketing Program Manager
San Jose, CA, US ā€¢ ICB 4
TC: $280K
AMD mayt203 Oct 26, 2023

TC always wins and AMD bonuses sucked last year, don't think it will be any better this year as well. Also, AMD did not low-ball, they just don't pay well :). If you join unhappy you will regret and cry each day :D

NVIDIA ajSD05 OP Oct 26, 2023

I really liked AMD's team over Broadcom. Also Broadcom has full RTO. Do you think this is a good offer for L7? Shall I push for L8?

AMD mayt203 Oct 27, 2023

I donno the program manager comps, I'm in tech. But why does it matter, AMD should just match your competing offer, you already have one :)

Broadcom Ltd. lEzF03 Oct 26, 2023

This TC difference is very small, ask AMD to match the base

NVIDIA ajSD05 OP Oct 26, 2023

How's your experience with broadcom so far?

Broadcom Ltd. lEzF03 Oct 27, 2023

Itā€™s been decent for me, but itā€™s highly team and bu dependent. Iā€™m also in an engineering role. Itā€™s just you feel strongly about the teams and the TC difference is only 30k, basically 15k after tax. On average broadcom gives better RSUs and bonus, but itā€™s for engineering, not sure about marketing. Try negotiating with AMD.

Broadcom Ltd. 0xFEEDFACE Oct 26, 2023

The only info you really gave us here is the TC for each. What other considerations do you have that are weighing on your decision?

NVIDIA ajSD05 OP Oct 26, 2023

TC, WLB, stability, exciting work (not necessarily in that order)

AMD zHsS74 Oct 26, 2023

I was in your exact scenario. Had offer from both AMD and broadcom. Broadcom offer was ~50k more. I chose AMD. Broadcom is full RTO, and employee reviews of broadcom make it out as a miserable place. From my experience of the onsite interview, I could see truth in the reviews. Yes, AMD offers less but I really enjoy my team after nearly 2 years, work on cutting edge products, and am being recognized (not just with more work, I now make the same as broadcom offer).

NVIDIA ajSD05 OP Oct 26, 2023

I noticed the exact same thing during my onsite interviews. Do you think this AMD offer is at par with the market? How are the refreshers RSUs at AMD ?

AMD zHsS74 Oct 27, 2023

I can not speak to marketing, as I am an engineer, but if marketing manager roughly aligns with MTS then I would say this is an average offer for MTS level. You may be able to negotiate some more equity. In terms of refreshers, they have been very good for me... Although that may not be true across all teams. Initially 100k/4yr First refresher was 30k Latest refresher was 45k

Broadcom Ltd. *123# Oct 26, 2023

How is your bonus at broadcom only 25k , ICB4 has 25% bonus of base, It should be 52k. Does marketing have different rates?

Broadcom Ltd. dedoi Oct 26, 2023

Base looks higher for icb4 band. I thought icb4 in bay area gets < 180K

AMD eit Oct 27, 2023

Both bay area? Amd Sunnyvale?

NVIDIA ajSD05 OP Oct 27, 2023


Broadcom Ltd. mcmohan Oct 27, 2023

Since youā€™re MBA, you might find more exciting things to do in AMD. With RISC-5, AI etc I think AMD might turn out to be in a good spot. It is more likely that money in Broadcom will stack up better in couple of years. Say 200k, would you be ok losing it ?

NVIDIA MamaSaid Nov 1, 2023

Have you checked back in with your prior team? Hiring for most teams has opened back up, so they might be able to make an offer now. For an MBA and 8 years prior Eng experience, neither offer seems fantastic. Broadcom has much better perf grants, but AMD might have a more interesting role (depends on the team/product line)