Misc.Jan 27
sjfhe73 Jan 27

We let blacks go around terrorizing people around them, stealing and vandalizing because we're too "woke" and sensitive to consider actually upholding laws

ex-Citibank d__b Jan 27

You mean future diversity and inclusive managers

Amazon daysee OP Jan 27

Fr, seeing Reddit comments that more directly report on the issue getting downvoted by the woke mob https://www.reddit.com/r/Seattle/s/i3Q6JyWznS

ex-Citibank d__b Jan 27

Costco is ghetto asf. It’s the new Walmart. Real ones just rely on Amazon fresh, sprouts, Trader Joe’s and farmers markets

ex-Microsoft Titanium20 Jan 27

Tulwila is a Ghetto area not the Costco.

Amazon daysee OP Jan 27

Yeah, I’m not sure why you think Costco is ghetto

ajinquiry Jan 27

World is getting crazier. Rip to her though

NVIDIA BcIam Jan 27

Vote Republican. Get rid of these Dems once and for all

Amazon daysee OP Jan 27

Too bad folks on this app can’t vote 😂

NVIDIA VoteDem🗽 Jan 27

Republican SCOTUS making sure every nut job can get a gun.

Microsoft MIDZY Jan 27

blame the gun this prior felon got illegally and not the black guy rofl

Amazon daysee OP Jan 27
