How soon is too soon to quit?

I’m not at Mailchimp anymore, but the company I’m at, which I’ve been at for three weeks and will remain nameless, is a joke. During the interviews, they made it sound like I’d be doing cool, engaging work, building up a lot of infrastructure and whatnot, but the reality is an ineffective, gridlocked, bureaucratic nightmare. The management is so bad that I’ve spent the last two weeks doing literally nothing because not only was there no onboarding and no documentation, but the people with the necessary knowledge to transfer are too busy and don’t give a crap about me. I’ve talked to my manager, and he’s spread way too thin to be of much help. He has 30 direct reports (!) and is overseeing four or five different projects. The last deployment meeting I went to (as a bystander, as I was too new to participate) with our team and a big client was literally four separate instances of failure and miscommunication. I was embarrassed on their behalf, even though I had nothing to do with it. Separately from that, one of the first coworkers I’ve worked with on anything casually dropped some inappropriately political/controversial things in our meeting that were upsetting to me. I’d like to mention it to my manager, but I can barely get meetings with him, and when I can, time is limited and there are more important things to discuss. So what should I do, Blind? Do I stick around for my requisite 6-12 months or do I line up another job and bail? Or something else entirely? #engineering #quit #career

Indeed ssfuiom333 Sep 23, 2021

If it's that bad I'd try to bounce immediately and never put it on my resume

Financial Service Company CDau03 Sep 23, 2021

That sounds pretty bad. There may be some opportunity, though, depending on your experience, the job, and how well you handle stress and disfunction. But if you know it’s going to be bad for you, getting out of there might be a great idea.

Twitter Nhgf97d Sep 23, 2021

Agreed, just look for another position and fly under the radar in the meantime. Seems like it will be easy to do.

Dell pepsicool Sep 23, 2021

Nothing is too soon...Depends on hw u feel n quit early if u think ur place is Shit

Medical Solutions JddF54 Sep 23, 2021

It would be best to get out ASAP. You can still probably ride under the impression that you are still at MailChimp and not 3 weeks into a job if you start looking ASAP. If you wait too long, you'd get stuck waiting 6 months or longer or have to explain that you quit a job 2 months into it. I think either situation puts you in a bad spot in negotiations. I'd say no shorter than 6 months is a good spot. You could have conceivably started and finished a good sized project and just say you don't really like the company and it's a good time to leave, or are more excited to join another.

Mailchimp xynf50 OP Sep 23, 2021

I already have another company that’s interested, so I’m not really worried about finding a new gig. I’m more just… not wanting to be a jerk, I guess, not that this company has put literally any money or resources into onboarding/training me, lol

Mozilla TOYV61 Sep 23, 2021

If it’s that bad, just quit and start interviewing. You’ve got 6 months of expenses saved, right? This is why. Know when to just bounce.

Amazon spluuuge Sep 23, 2021

just bounce, fuck em

Xvctyu Sep 26, 2021

Not related to your question. Can you please tell how was your experience at Mailchimp and why did you leave? They just got acquired, so do you regret your decision of leaving Mailchimp?

Intuit ThrgUpy Sep 29, 2021

Bounce, for sure

The Home Depot bob82638 Oct 6, 2021

U at at&t?