Thoughts on MemSQL?

This company has a strong engineering team and a product that seems incredibly useful (distributed SQL database). They optimize for in memory storage allowing for fast analytical queries, but also support on disk storage. Not sure who their competitors really are, maybe NuoDB and TiDB (but neither of those have the in-memory focus). Listed as a breakout company by Y Combinator. Considering interviewing with them, think they will make it big or be overrun by oracle / others?

Salesforce UpID03 Dec 19, 2017

I took a serious run at their technology as a potential customer a couple of years ago. Ironically, it used up way too much memory for the amount of data it was being given. Also, there was a lot of cheating with python scripts going on under the hood.

Amazon C Martel Dec 19, 2017

Define cheating

FunnyBunnn Feb 21, 2018

The product designer sucks.