X (Twitter) Comp

Since they are now private, do they give RSU? Basically like a startup? Or do they compensate for this somehow? Thanks. 350k

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ex-Amazon $me||ybutt Apr 25

On or off the body? On body has good growth potential.

LinkedIn svvssu Apr 25

That's a great question. If Elon gets a wax job, do you lose vesting batches?

Roku lIlI|lIIl Apr 25

Imagine not suffering enough at Amazon that you want to go to Twitter to be punished.

X owkidn Apr 26

Come here, then you will miss Amazon

X FoIQ31 Apr 26

There are private shares as a made up inflated valuation. No more bonuses but still getting cash from the 54.20 buyout

Roku lIlI|lIIl Apr 26

So X gon giv it to ya?