Offer Evaluation Paypal

Offer evaluation for MTS1 at Paypal. Another offer on the way for around 300k. What do you all think about this offer ? Hows WLB ? #swe #engineering #software #softwareengineersalary #offer

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Staff Software Engineer
TC: $214K
Chegg fQOw44 May 3

PayPal pays shit

Fidelity Investments needtojump May 3

what's you total YOE and tech stack you work on? I have been trying to cross 300k mark from long time but still not made it. which other company offering 300k. I though PayPal would pay better than that for staff

Chegg fQOw44 May 3

What’s your yoe

Foot Locker GnjG54 OP May 3

8 years

PayPal LgkK82 May 3

Location? MTS 1 is not staff. It's senior engineering.

Foot Locker GnjG54 OP May 5

Austin, Texas