
Is my career over?

I am a googler but posting from my old id. Here is my story: Did a PhD in mechanical engineering and joined one of the traditional mechanical companies. Think of Cummins/John Deere etc . My job was in RnD , even though growth was slow in this industry but I grew very fast to get to senior manager level. I was enjoying every bit of my days as I was doing well. But tc was not that high. With expectations on higher tc wanted to come to FAANG, I joined a top school for Executive MBA. With connection from there I joined Google as a TPM L5 at Google cloud. I had some idea what a TPM role is but not much idea. And my entire expectations of G have been upside down now on what I am doing. I am getting recognition with what I am doing. But I don't enjoy a bit at all what I am doing here. And I feel like this experience is only getting me to another TPM role which I don't want. Explored going to PM but at Google it is extremely hard. I feel like my career is over here. I love my team and colleagues but I feel I am way undervalued and underutilized. But at the same time I'm not sure where I should go from here. Blind tax: 330k at lcol At Google for little more than 4 years now. 10 years at previous company.

Chipotle fieryGuac Mar 5

Is there a role you can get into that is a crossover of your previous experience and tech? That may be your calling. Reach out to someone in your network from the old role to see if they're looking for someone with that skillset.

xce2020 OP Mar 5

It's interesting you said that. I actually talked to my old company boss. He couldn't believe that I am even thinking about leaving G. It's crazy what some legacy world thinks about FAANG

Amazon Cara+Finn Mar 5

Well there you go - you have 4 years of the G-stamp now. In FAANG circles that doesn’t mean awfully lot, but for the people OUTSIDE FAANG - oh boy! So is your career over?? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😅💀 No.

ex-Albertsons XxzB01 Mar 5

Try to network with and/or shadow a PM for ML platforms. Utilize this PM experience to try and internal switch or try applying to PM roles at Amazon, Meta, microsoft. All the best for you future endeavors!

Infinera 666yoe Mar 5

Seems you are running away but you don’t really know where to go. I see a ton of valuable experience and accomplishments. Why is your career over? Lots of companies would happily give you a chance to work with them. Perhaps you really need to think about what you want to do and start to create a plan around it. Maybe do some online courses or adicional education, maybe some certificates. This country will definitely give you opportunities if you are highly committed to it.

xce2020 OP Mar 5

You are right. I am starting to have some dedicated reflection exercises.

Infinera 666yoe Mar 5

Good luck! I don’t see why you won’t succeed in your next role. You have already quite some accomplishments on your shoulders.

Stripe FshH322 Mar 5

You should try interviewing to see how far you go. With 10 years of experience in RnD, you may be able to get a lower level role and work your way up again.

xce2020 OP Mar 5

Interview for ..?

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xce2020 OP Mar 5

No Excuse for making such decisions just going after FAANG.

Nextdoor underdog 🐶 Mar 5

So you don’t enjoy TPM job at Google but you vaguely think PM may be better. What’s difference between two at google. Isn’t it similar?

xce2020 OP Mar 5

I am working with PMs very closely. In fact for some project was able to help PMs then their tasks from MBA back ground. The roles are very different. The biggest difference is as a TPM you are not accountable for anything. But for PM it's just the opposite. You own the product.

Nextdoor underdog 🐶 Mar 5

Get that PM job period.

Salesforce chicagosd Mar 5

I am in a similar boat - was in a traditional IT firm for 20 years and Ross pretty high. Then decided to move to a product org but reality has been so disappointing. Now I am moving to a smaller product firm with some of the core expertise and experience I have gained over the years Sure it’s a comp hit but I believe I’ll catch up my comp to where it should be in a few years.

xce2020 OP Mar 5

How did you make the transition?

Roblox dICKlegO Mar 5

If it’s difficult to make that (TPM to PM) switch within Google, you can try going to another company as a PM, get promoted and then switch back to FAANG as a PM at a higher level

PayPal rosecomeh Mar 5

TPM is product manager? PhD doing it is overqualified

Roblox dICKlegO Mar 5

TPM = Technical Project Manager

Applied Material QTru03 Mar 5

Technical Program Manager

NVIDIA rusty_nutz Mar 6

If you hate your job, it makes it harder to wake up and go every day. If you can do without excessive spending and material things and do a job you enjoy, your life will still be rewarding.