Tech IndustryJul 21, 2021

Zillow vs Unicorn

I have an offer for P3 at Zillow or Senior Engineer at Attentive. Which would you choose? Zillow 165 base 165 stock 80 sign on Attentive 180 base 504 stock (pre-ipo) evaluation Zillow I think will be better name on my resume. Don’t really have big names mostly smaller companies . Attentive seems like a big upside and get to work on interesting issues at scale where as at Zillow might not be as exciting. Which would you take? Current TC 245 #tech

Attentive nCFg25 Jul 21, 2021

Come through broh

LAXd23 OP Jul 21, 2021

What’s it like over there? Was kind of getting mixed vibes during interview

Dell hrdwre !=💀 Jul 21, 2021

…And getting bro vibes during anonymous internet conversations

Google aJrv46 Jul 21, 2021

If you’re getting mixed vibes in the interview definitely don’t take the risk. Go with Zillow, increase the value of your resume, and go for a better startup later

LAXd23 OP Jul 21, 2021

Yea I’ve thought similar about taking the safe path but at same time the TC is very tempting. And unicorns usually do well no? UzBk02 Jul 21, 2021

Zillow is indeed great for resume, but I’ve taken a peak at Attentive before. I think they have a promising future. Personally, I’d take Zillow to be safe and come back around to Attentive in the future.

LAXd23 OP Jul 21, 2021

I think Attentive has promise as well that’s why I guess I fear I’ll be missing a rocket ship 🚀. Also seems I’ll be working on cooler things when it comes to tech UzBk02 Jul 21, 2021

I’d see if you could get a sign on bonus for Attentive if you do choose them. Pre-IPO value isn’t always meaningful especially if you dip before IPO (ie because they’re taking too long to go public). Are either of these jobs remote? That’s a big sell too IMO

DoorDash dailyy Jul 21, 2021


Attentive mmmmmmmnm Jul 21, 2021

What level at attentive?

LAXd23 OP Jul 21, 2021

Senior 1. What’s it like over there? Is WLB good?

Attentive mmmmmmmnm Jul 21, 2021

It’s great IMO. Some overwork themselves and I’m sure pressure varies from team to team though. My team / I have great WLB from what I can tell.

Zillow Group ZilloThere Jul 21, 2021

What team at Zillow?

LAXd23 OP Jul 21, 2021

Not sure. I think it’s relatively new team. Any teams I should be avoiding?

Zillow Group ZilloThere Jul 21, 2021

There tends to be more flux in ZO orgs(I've heard, I'm not in ZO) and that's also by far the fastest growing, fastest hiring part of Zillow. Flux can also mean opportunity though. I'd say there's no particularly bad teams/orgs, but there is a lot of variance between teams in terms of quality, standards, even how hiring works.

Attentive LOja14 Jul 22, 2021

What per share value are they pricing the stock at? Assuming that’s 500k over 4 years? I wouldn’t worry about stack ranking, eng leadership does a really good job of calibration and are generally trusted across the org. Product and design less so which has caused problems occasionally… Work here can be hectic, changing priorities quickly, but it is 100% a rocket ship. Our growth / financial metrics are insanely good across the board

LAXd23 OP Jul 22, 2021

It was 45 a share I believe. Ok this sounds great! Good to hear about eng leadership. Why you say hectic how bad does it get? Or is it just crunch time?

Attentive LOja14 Jul 22, 2021

Lol at blind’s shitty UI anyway I accidentally posted a repose to this below

Attentive LOja14 Jul 22, 2021

Not really crunch time as much as company or team level goals changing significantly quarter to quarter or month to month. I think it effect you more the higher up in org you are — I’ve been frustrated at times where we invested in one part of product a bunch then drop it and move to something completely different. All result of overall focus on revenue, scaling which is why we’re growing so fast

LAXd23 OP Jul 22, 2021

Ah ok understood. So they pivot and then go new direction? Have you found new timelines reasonable?

Zillow Group R0cK0n Jul 22, 2021

Zillow work is very interesting. You are working one of the basic needs of housing.