Zip codes with good school districts.

Google mchurch Apr 26

Good schools are a scam, at least in the US. The reason they are so good is bc they have affluent tiger moms pushing their kids to succeed. Not because the teachers have some secret sauce to impart knowledge

Palo Alto Networks transverse Apr 26

Then it makes sense to ask for the good zip codes. Those kind of tiger moms you mention - they often live clustered together in certain zip codes. I went to public school in such a place, and you’re right. The determining factor wasn’t the teachers (although they were great) - it was the parents. Look for the good zip codes.

Google mchurch Apr 26

So did I. OP needs to realize that US college admissions are by and large a stack ranking of your high school. You aren’t going to get a good LoR from your teachers if they don’t like you compared to your peers. And class percentiles do matter. My point is that you can be a tiger mom anywhere. Why not do it at a less competitive school where your kid will get more bang for your buck?

Goldman Sachs TFdh68 Apr 26


Microsoft ilLU03 Apr 26

What state/counties?

Cruise Saturn-V Apr 26