
DRW Senior SWE

What’s the compensation expectation for 10+ yoe SWE? Not a lot of consistent data on levels

Meta JgyF34 Apr 15

I was expecting an offer there for around $200k base and something like $150k first year bonus. It wasn’t an algorithmic trading role though which I assume could make more. I accepted Meta’s offer before DRW extended a formal offer though since it was far higher.

Salesforce itsallbsss OP Apr 15

DRW offered $350K, how much Meta offered?

Meta JgyF34 Apr 15

About $480k recurring for E5. At the current stock price it’s about $600k

DRW b5shu Apr 16

It is highly negotiable and depends on the specific role and what you bring to the table. If you have a strong background for a specific role, nobody will beat a trading firm. But if you come in with only general SWE skills you may get a lower offer, because it takes a long time to train someone to understand the work and the business in detail.

Salesforce itsallbsss OP Apr 16

Good point. Headhunter kept pushing me to give a number so I had to throw something without any details.. I worked in the past building market data server and NMS securities market making system. But that may not be an exact match for the role.