Capgemini level hierarchy info

I just received a Senior Product Owner offer from Capgemini with a C1 grade. I'm not familiar with their internal hierarchy. Could anyone clarify what this grade means? Also, any insights on typical compensation at this level would be helpful. Details: * Location: US, West Coast * TC: 150k * YoE: 7

VMware HockBlock Mar 26

Wow your spelling is truly international

Capgemini cagki Mar 27

B1: Associate Consultant B2: Consultant C1 : senior consultant C2: Manager D1: Senior Manger D2: Portfolio Manager E1: Director E2: Senior Director

JPMorgan Chase NUdx60 OP Mar 27

Thank you so much! Do you have an idea what the average yoe a Senior Consultant has?

Capgemini cgshinchan Mar 27

I'm a PO as well. We can connect if you'd like. DM me.