Tech IndustryMar 17, 2021

How to handle work pressure?

Been 6 months at the company and already working on two different products. started on one and was handed another one within 3 months thus the learning curve has been pretty steep. Work pressure is immense, I work around 55+ hours a week but manger seems unhappy with the output and constantly micro managing. my focus and productivity has gone down due to covid wfh situation affecting my performance I am wondering should I start looking because I can't sustain the pressure. This is affecting my health and self worth. No, can't change teams at this point. Appreciate the help fellow blinders! YOE: 6 TC:300K

PFSweb, Inc. taxEvasion Mar 17, 2021


hhjjkoko Mar 17, 2021

All this money’s not worth it, save all your money buy a nice home somewhere and work remotely in a relax company

Lyft neuralnets Mar 17, 2021

I have heard Asana is pretty stressful.

Asana TOPT21 OP Mar 17, 2021
