Tech IndustryOct 11, 2023

Update on the roommate who was talking about k*lling people

Help me assess my options: My normal roommate and I filed a police report on our crazy roommate, who had been making comments about homicidal ideation for over a month. Several hours later, the cops called us back and said they are required to send a squad car down immediately. It all escalated very quickly. Cops came, put her in handcuffs, and took her down to the hospital. We were required to make a statement as well at the hospital. She lied to the police and told them she was just being sarcastic about the comments about killing people. She also lied to the police, and told them she was not actually bipolar/bpd. She ended up being released from the hospital several hours later. My normal roommate and I got a hotel together for 5 days. We had to have the cops come to the residence and have our crazy roommate served with papers. Then several days later, we were finally able to get into contact with a sheriff. When the sheriff came to the property, she was no where to be found. The sheriff is the only one who can evict her for some reason. Her things are still here, and the locks have not been changed yet. The landlord offered to change the locks. The crazy roommate is supposedly coming on Thursday to pick up her things in the presence of police. We have court at the end of the month. The crazy roommate claims she’s suing us for “harassment”. I’m considering moving out and starting over. My only concern is finances. There are not many apartments on the market right now in my area. Most of them are far away from me that are reasonable prices, and I’d have to uproot my entire life. I also have to make sure my apartment is in a residential area where it’s safe to park my car. I’m currently looking at an apartment that is a one bedroom for $1800. This is a huge jump from what I pay now, which is $668. My normal roommate might come live with me in a flex room in the living room, which would reduce my rent to $1,050. However, she is being very indecisive and cannot make up her mind. Her budget is much lower than mine, and she can’t go much over $850. There’s not many 2 bedrooms in our area for under $2k. With this in mind, her options are limited. Our concern with staying at our current place is safety. We don’t know for sure if our order of protection will be officially granted (right now, we have an emergency order of protection in place for 20 days). If it’s not granted, our crazy roommate could find us and isn’t technically banned from our property. We don’t think she’ll get to this level, but we’re not sure. My TC: $99.8k plus a side hustle I’ll likely do which will generate hopefully around $600-$800 a month. My primary concern is the financial adjustment of almost tripling my rent. I’m also not sure if I’m being overly paranoid here, and jumping the gun. Ultimately, I want to make sure I’m acting in my best interest financially and safety wise. I have a savings goal of $100k, and it wasn’t in my plans yet to abruptly move and almost triple my rent. :( The potential new apartments lease also only runs til June, so if the rent got to be too expensive, I could just stick it out til summer and then leave.

67 Participants
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JPMorgan Chase jYyW64 Oct 11, 2023

Tc of gtfo

Qualtrics AYUu78 Oct 11, 2023

Really? Show some empathy as a human being.

ekXj15 OP Oct 11, 2023

Read the whole paragraph lol it’s in there

LinkedIn in🔥 Oct 11, 2023

Leetcode hard

Amazon KbHgty Oct 11, 2023

Need to move- no question

Adobe tc_eater Oct 11, 2023

Are you in like Kentucky lol where is rent that cheap?

ekXj15 OP Oct 11, 2023

We were splitting a 3 bedroom.

Adobe tc_eater Oct 11, 2023

I mean yes but 1.8 for 1bed is also pretty good

LinkedIn dr.turtle Oct 11, 2023

This is very serious. Blind is not going to offer you helpful advice. Talk to your friends and family

Qualtrics AYUu78 Oct 11, 2023

I recommend moving at the very least at a secured place.

Apple Packing🍆 Oct 11, 2023

You know what you need my friend? A Glock 19. You can rest easy at your current place. There is plenty of crazy going around. Hard to run away from it. Good luck.

Dell vp_ Oct 11, 2023

I dont have any suggestion but can i ask about the side hustle you are doing..what side hustle you are doing that fetches 600 to 800 per month?

Unity rjxn Oct 11, 2023

It's low right

ekXj15 OP Oct 11, 2023

Personal training

Pinterest dfred Oct 11, 2023

Fake and …

Bank of America devintech Oct 11, 2023


Amazon I'mAI Oct 17, 2023

These folks are either big snowflakes or bigger snowflakes