Referral 3 YOE

Hi everyone, I am looking for Program / Product Manager, Consulting, analyst, or technical Associate role, referral in the NYC metro Area. Can any current employee provide me with a referral? It would be greatly appreciated. Experience: 3 years. B.S in analytics and IT TC: 130k Thanks #referral #ey #notion #salesforce #microsoft #pwc #kpmg

Zillow Group dm4z Apr 11

If you see anything at Zillow, feel free to DM

BMO qJkn82 Apr 16

I found a role at Zillow I’m very interested in. Can you refer me for this position please? I would really appreciate it.

Salesforce Salesforcx Apr 11

DM for Salesforce referral if you find any relevant openings

Trimble Luffy-king Apr 11

Can I dm as well?

Salesforce Salesforcx Apr 11

Yes please

ByteDance tQvy21 Apr 11

DM for TikTok / Bytedance

TikTok fazc04 Apr 11

Dm if you see a fit at TikTok / Bytedance - I can add a referral to your application