Tech IndustryJan 12, 2020

amazon pm-t whats the job like?

what do you do in this role? got reached out to by a recruiter but no idea what the day to day is like.. would appreciate some info! thanks guys!! also why does amazon get so much criticism here on blind, is it just swe or PM is bad too? tc 230k yoe 8 #productmanagement #pm

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 12, 2020

It's amazon, so expect 🍌🍌🍌

McKinsey daPanda🐼 OP Jan 12, 2020

What does that mean..?

Charles Schwab bzupqw Jan 12, 2020

Can someone explain the 🍌 part - thanks

Deloitte PM007 Jan 12, 2020

PM and amazon, make SWE feel bad :-) Role they are talking about is product manager role, actual responsibility and work is different between companies and teams Choose team wisely in amazon if you are happy in you current job