
University Student Interested in PM Internship

Hi Blind Community! I am actively seeking internships in PM. I attend college in the South, where the vast majority of tech companies do not recruit. I am an engineering major (not software). I was dissatisfied with my previous internships and coursework, so I'm working to make the switch to tech. I joined the PM club at my school and began a personal project. Although the shift is slow and uncertain, I am enjoying learning new things and being exposed to a variety of opportunities. I am acquainted with alumni at tech companies, but I know few to no PMs at these companies. I would be extremely grateful if anyone could refer me to the following firms, or chat with me about their background/experiences or anything else — I love to listen and learn about people's stories. Thanks! #amd #duolingo #hudl #amazon #datadog #gap #intuit #microsoft #microntechnology #publicissapient #pwc #riotgames #schaeffler #splunk #tesla #tiktok #pm #product #productmanager #productmanagement

Cytiva T0tal C0mp Sep 11, 2022

I’m a Tech PM at a major entertainment/streaming company in NYC. Dm me for more info about career path and breaking in. Would love to help! *(Using my old work acc for this app)

Dyson walK47 Sep 13, 2022

Hi, can I dm too?

Cytiva T0tal C0mp Sep 13, 2022

Dyson, Yupp!

Intuit starprod Sep 12, 2022

Intuit is hiring for PM internship: