Work VisaFeb 24

Timeline for Fragomen to file I-485

How long did it take Fragomen to file your I-485 once they had all your documents? I sent them my package with medicals, photos, etc 3 weeks ago and they haven’t yet filed my application with USCIS.

Zoox VALX44 Feb 24

I email them everyday until I get a date from them on when they will file. Always follow up a few days before the date to confirm they are on time

Uber Ishmaely OP Feb 24

I’ve emailed them a few times and they keep giving me non-answers like “we’re working on it”

Zoox VALX44 Feb 24

Try to get them to agree on time frame

Berry Appleman & Leiden topsecret8 Mar 9

Please note that Fragomen or BAL’s try their best to work through all cases as fast as possible. However, each attorney and each paralegal have 300-500 active cases, all of which are “urgent.” It’s difficult for attorneys and paralegals to do everything right away with so many cases, not getting overtime, being very short-staffed, and dealing with so many other things than just processing cases. Don’t hate your legal team for the law firm’s inability to do things right. Please also note that all those tech companies, while super-rich, pay almost nothing for legal services, so the law firms cannot hire more people. Trust me, your attorney and your paralegal hate the law firm as much as you do, and if you are a paralegal making $60k a year, you hate it even more.