HousingNov 30, 2017

New relic

How is it? Do they pay well? Are benefits good?

Intel GreenGrass Nov 30, 2017

They have cool offices in portland.

Amazon Hooliganss Nov 30, 2017

They make a decent service, also interested.

Databricks datadicks Dec 1, 2017


CA Technologies lBqw66 Dec 8, 2017

They don’t pay well. And their interview process is drawn out. They do have a solid product but I would look elsewhere. They basically strung me along for 90 days and then wouldn’t pony up the necessary cash. Not appreciated. Has happened to a few other people I know n

Intel J8fx3 Dec 8, 2017

I always ask about the salary and compensation range for this reason.

Cisco Honest_tea OP Dec 8, 2017

How much was their offer

Nike ihvjyfjg Sep 26, 2019

Yes, I just had a horrible experience with the new relic. It's just a waste of time for the people to go through their interview process. Their whole focus is on the low level details of the api's their team uses. Its just waste of time and energy to apply for their open positions.

Google RcBD00 May 19, 2023

I interviewed w them, got a job offer and was promptly disappointed when the base salary was well below the minimum expectations I set w the recruiter in the nyc area for my salary. They’ve also hired a few former colleagues into leadership roles I’d laugh out of a room if they ever tried to convince me to buy anything as a customer. Look elsewhere.