Tech IndustryDec 6, 2019

background check: job title discrepancy

got an offer, need to put title for current role in background check. I have 2 hats at work: In HR system: SDE 2nd hat: Team Lead SDE my job offer is for a team lead role. Do I just put SDE? HR has no idea I am a team lead as it isn’t in their system. I have both roles listed as present roles in both LinkedIn and my resume. TC:153

SEI Investments elekter Dec 6, 2019

I am in the same situation and I am putting my system title in the background check which is not the same as what's on my resume.

Citadel GXwA25 Jan 8, 2021

Did HR question this inconsistency between resume and background check questionnaire? Does it matter?

SEI Investments Gilbs_Milk Jan 8, 2021

Nope I didn't have any issues with HR or nor the background check company

Uber uWTF Dec 6, 2019

This level of granularity doesn’t matter.

Cisco 12th 👨🏻 Dec 6, 2019

Doesn’t matter. They only check what dates you worked at the company. I know a guy that was an intern that was doing senior SWE level stuff but got screwed on title change and he put down SWE and was fine.

WeWork bvvgdc OP Dec 6, 2019

Cool, thanks all! I appreciate the examples and assurances.

Apple temptation Dec 6, 2019

How about someone lies about title or job responsibilities? There is no way to identify that during background check ? LinkedIn titles are most of the time vague and incorrect. (Ex engineering leader, Technical architect etc )

OpenTable Meliodas Dec 6, 2019

Put the truth. If two companies are misrepresenting you to your future employer, you have a defamation claim.