What is Snowflake Production engineering like?

I'm an AWS software principal engineer and I've been approached about a IC4 role in Snowflake Production Engineer. The money is competitive, maybe 20% more than I'm on, although IC4 seems to be high senior engineer, low PE. I'm doing well as a PE at Amazon. Anyone know much about production engineering at Snowflake? I'm pretty happy here at AWS but it's significantly more money, but I don't want to move from PE to senior engineer. It's a hard slog to get that title. Europe based. TC 300k euros. YOE enough to drink even in America!

Amazon hehdbxoebd May 2

Don’t. It will be hard to justify later in your resume

Apple OSkn80 May 2

title downgrade. Do you want it?

Snowflake ex-aviato May 2

Assuming you have a perfectly stable job, and good scope at Amazon, please do not take a downlevel

Amazon Fudduf OP May 2

Thank you everybody. This is what I felt myself too.

Snowflake snowflaked May 3

There's room for growth and interesting projects. But... High percentage of Xooglers. IC4->IC5 promo is hard.