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Best location for Data science opportunities

As the title says, which location is the best for Data science and analytics jobs? I am looking from settling down and buying a house perspective. Raising a family also in the plans. Family and friends are all over so won’t matter much and I travel a lot so I guess chilling in comfort would be the biggest hobby. I know Bay Area has a ton of companies so it’s easy to switch without moving home. But given a lot of companies remote and moving HQs, which other cities are good? Attached a poll. TC 200k YOE 5 #data #datascience #analytics

69 Participants
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Google nae-nae'd Nov 11, 2021

Can you provide more information like if you're raising a family, hobbies, where you're family/friends are? Hard to pick a city with only knowing you want to buy a house. Though I guess you could rule out the Bay Area and NYC if you're looking for a SFH

Shopify bfcp Nov 11, 2021

I read somewhere that remote has more opportunities than any one single city. In my experience that’s true. I had no issues finding a new gig when I decided to jump ship.

Amazon titrec Nov 11, 2021

Also has the most amount of demand.

Shopify bfcp Nov 11, 2021

True but just be good at interviewing and don’t be bad at interviewing. Ez. Kidding aside, there’s a lot of demand but tons of supply. I went 2 for 6 recently, one of them FAANG.

Amazon titrec Nov 11, 2021

A lot of people bought 1m+ houses in bay area, they want high paying jobs to stay there.

Fintech Company shay6 Nov 11, 2021

I thought Austin could have been a strong contender

Dropbox rnb8x Nov 11, 2021

Bay Area hands down, with NYC second. I’ve thought about living in other cities for personal reasons but the amount of good, high-paying job opportunities for DS in tech doesn’t compare

Microsoft MSBp77 Nov 15, 2021

No way to get much out of a one choice poll, but probably better than not having one. Bay has the best options for sure, but it's obviously super expensive. Not just home prices, but taxes too. I think Seattle and NYC are pretty close in the next tier. Maybe biased by MS, but Seattle has lots of other options too. NYC seemed a little behind, but if you have interest in stuff like hedge funds or HFT it's the place to be. IMO Austin and Boston are the next tier. Austin has more bang for the buck (and no state income tax), but Boston has a bit more diverse choices. You could find interesting DS work in Healthcare, for example. Everything else is lower. That doesn't mean it's a bad place to settle down though, just fewer options. You only need one good job! I'd probably put Denver near the top of best of the rest- it at least has a fair number of top companies, even if pretty small offices. Places like Dallas don't really have any presence from top Companies. You could do perfectly well in less prestigious companies in a place like that, and COL is lower accordingly, but if you find yourself topping out, it would probably take a move or a switch to remote to get around a company that really has its stuff together.