Tech IndustryJan 17, 2020


I still never learned bubble sort. Somehow, it’s not come up...

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Broadcom Ltd. aeCy07 Jan 17, 2020

Don’t worry it’s going to burst soon

Facebook Arcansas Jan 17, 2020

Not sure you need to learn it. If you were to think of a sorting algorithm you'd likely come up with it anyway

Ironclad ⌐(ಠ۾ಠ)¬ Jan 17, 2020

while(!sorted){ shuffle; }

Citadel BrutеForce Jan 17, 2020

If it's a list of ints you can use amazing sleep sort.

Amazon 10xngneer Jan 17, 2020

You're not alone. I'm on the same boat. I don't even know what it is. The only sorts I really do understand are merge sort, quick sort, insertion sort and counting sort

Uber ZeLawlLyfe Jan 17, 2020

They all sound like sex terms

gubbles OP Jan 17, 2020

Hey brah, want to go sort each other out?

Atlassian Schnorlaxe Jan 17, 2020

It's basically the same as insertion sort - but insertion sort is usually faster in the average case (although by a constant factor) The key difference is that insertion sort iterates over the SORTED section each time to find where to put the next unsorted element, while bubble sort iterates over the UNSORTED elements to find the largest. That insertion sort usually assembles the list small to large and bubble sort usually large to small is irrelevant to the algorithm. If you had to iteratively find the smallest or largest n elements in place and in order on an array, the simplest C style way of writing it is basically bubble sort

Microsoft freedom! Jan 17, 2020

Even Obama knows bubble sort!

Super Micro Computer >anonymous Jan 17, 2020

Learn sleepsort

gubbles OP Jan 17, 2020

Smuggle-sort: when you delete every element in the list that isn’t sorted.