
business analyst roles

I’ve heard that there are many BA roles in finance (banks, fin-tech companies). what are some skill-sets and type of experience required for BA roles? Any BA here; looking for insights? seems like it deters from BA roles in tech companies where its manily performance, marketing, product analytics based. thanks!

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E*Trade cbEV72 Jan 29, 2020

Business analyst is a generic term like a code 🐒 or a bozo. Basically everybody is a business analyst.

Goldman Sachs IllIIllI Jan 29, 2020

I was a BA before moving to PM. It’s basically a technical/internal PM role, where you support an engineering team by managing stakeholders and gathering requirements. There’s less of a strategic/UX focus than PM... more about maintaining efficiency. Great job if you’re interested in building software products but don’t want to be in the weeds as an engineer. Good skillsets would be software eng, data analytics, project management

AWIP yuanaii OP Jan 30, 2020

How was the transition for you? I’m planning on doing the same. Therefore, I’m trying to get into BA roles.

Goldman Sachs IllIIllI Jan 30, 2020

I was pumped when I made the switch. Knew pretty early in my career that I didn’t want to continue coding, so had been leaning towards BA/PM for a while. One thing to be mindful of is that BAs generally aren’t compensated as well as Devs. There’s way more demand for quality devs, and less people who are trained you do it. That said, if you’re a beast BA, your domain knowledge and ability to solve unstructured problems can make you valuable.... which can be leveraged

ouIb37 Jan 30, 2020

I used to be a BA at a big bank. The job was this: Pull some data using SQL, analyze it, make some pretty charts in Excel. Make suggestions about how to improve whatever metric your unit is targeting and present the idea in a pretty PowerPoint to your boss, then his boss, then his boss. Then repeat with a new data set. Occasionally go talk to the Data Science team when something's fishy with the data/model.

AWIP yuanaii OP Jan 30, 2020

Interesting! Did you need to have financial background or just know SQL, and Excel? I have used SQL, Python, Excel & I did CS. I haven’t had much luck in tech companies since the role varies from one company to another

JPMorgan Chase OAkz03 Jan 31, 2020

I manage a team of BAs and started my career as one. There are BA and Business Systems Analyst in the old days...waterfall methodology...BAs were responsible for gathering and documenting requirements and documentinf workflows, user stories, test cases, field mapping and etc. Speaking with the customer and sometimes helping the app/engr teams stay on target for milestone In Agile our BAs are dev team members and help teams with refinement and help POs with priortization. I like to hire SM/BA bc their analysis can help teams retro and become better... there's more but I'm tired of typing 🙃

AWIP lyfes Feb 6, 2020

That’s a good way of describing the role! Thanks. Since you manage BAs, is your team or Chase hiring BAs currently?

JPMorgan Chase WNnn37 Mar 27, 2020

Hey - Im currently a banking analyst and interested in BA/PM role. I don't know any of them internally, do you mind if I DM you?

JPMorgan Chase donendone Feb 2, 2020

I work with an amazing BSA. I,as a dev, am quite dependent on her for understanding the functionality and then some. With all the hype around SWE, to trivialize what they do/ contribute is rather short sighted/stupid. My middleware PR was on account restrictions and a bunch of other stuff - questions kept pouring in on account types/ segments/ prdt codes ,rel codes etc etc. Basically things I really couldn't explain even though she had written it all in her story. A week of this. She gets on a call- with the middleware team - answers questions like a boss and the pr gets merged in the call itself. Functional knowledge is extreme important to do well as a BA. Basically, an SME. Even the product reaches out to her.

JPMorgan Chase WNnn37 Mar 27, 2020

Hey - Im currently a banking analyst and interested in BA/PM role. I don't know any of them internally, do you mind if I DM you?

JPMorgan Chase donendone Mar 28, 2020

You can dm.I am not a BSA though. I can pass along your questions to her. She is VERY good

AWIP lyfes Feb 6, 2020

Good explanation. Thanks. I agree functional knowledge helps a ton.