SportsMar 19

Which NBA nickname is the most prestigious


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Meta Glacie463’ Mar 19


American Express eMfU32 Mar 19

Butthurt Jordan fan. We done with the 90s.

Oracle net ops Mar 19

Jordan could not go left

Salesforce Zaphod B Mar 19

So Jordan drove a UPS truck?

Salesforce Zaphod B Mar 19

Having your silhouette used for the NBA logo seems pretty prestigious.

Lockheed Martin anonlmpm Mar 19

How you could exclude Magic Johnson from this discussion is beyond me

Google cidkwmsj Mar 20

he known for aids as much as anything else

Volkswagen of America IDGJ50 Mar 20


ex-Snap 👻 I Left Mar 20

Apple lowldnsij Mar 20

Please make us forget MJ. Oh wait they are still selling his shoes? Nvm it looks like the league imploded while searching for the next MJ. They ruined it itself by trying to promote like any top player should be in GOAT discussions when it is obvious there is no next MJ. Instead, they should have promoted individual characters. It was more fun when there was a player like Charles Barkley or Dennis Rodman. My favorite was Drexler though MJ made him miserable. Olajuwon’s crazy movements. Shaq being Shaq. There is no story today. It is the same ole where these super stars will gather for the ring. You need a character like Keisuke in Nebraska. Well who knew women’s NCAA basketball will get more attention than NBA? Basketball had its chance to go globally. Soccer dominated much more after MJ is gone. They should have invested on young players so they could have some Asian players. Yao and Jeremy Lin created some booms at the moment. European soccer capitalized the opportunity by recruiting young Asian players and grew them. Now so many Asians across the globe watch European soccer because they have someone to cheer for.

Amazon jeffBoz0s Mar 20

All of them are great nicknames but Air Jordan was the first “cool” nickname if I remember correctly. No other cool nickname that came before is as cool as his and no other nickname that came after his is cooler