
How to improve low BP

My wife generally has low bp but her most recent recording was 85/50 with pulse of 60. I believe her pulse is ok but bp is pretty low. All her other tests are normal. She is 40yrs old and I am worried about her. Her doc asked her to eat more salt to fix it with diet and exercise. Most google searches don't give a good result. Anything that has worked for people?

Jackson Dawson tc:62k5YOE Mar 9

Salt, electrolyte drinks and increase cardio. All three will help a lot.

ex-Stripe eat ur đŸ„Š Mar 9

Is she slim? My bp usually measures around there because they always have giant armbands at the doctor’s office that my arm swims in. Get a bp monitor at home with a band that fits. Much more accurate.

npaheb62 OP Mar 9

No, she is not under or overweight

Lucid Motors zula23 Mar 9

Does she have a thyroid condition? Long term hypothyroid and Hashimotos patients often have low BP. Unless she is dizzy, it’s not a problem.

npaheb62 OP Mar 9

No thyroid but don't know about the latter. She doesn't have any symptoms- dizziness, etc. She is mostly very energetic. She runs and very social.

Lucid Motors zula23 Mar 9

Some people have low BP. I always have. Unless there are symptoms, don’t worry about it.

Smartsheet grass Mar 9

Have her go work at Amazon. It should increase her blood pressure.

npaheb62 OP Mar 9


Kaiser Permanente aKrm14 Mar 9

She needs to go to urgent care. It’s not normal to have 80s. If it’s becomes 80s/40s, something is really wrong. She might have unknown heart issues. Get a second opinion. Not all doctors are good