Tech IndustryMay 11, 2020

capegemini compensation

asking for a friend: he is expecting project management SAP OTC/SD/CRM offer from Capegemini. S4 HANA certified with 15 years of experience. Job is going to be employee/vendor model with travel to client worksite 4 days a week. my TC: 250k

Citibank sableye May 11, 2020

why did you mention your TC lol

Microsoft HWSYS OP May 11, 2020

I see people not responding without TC 🀣

VMware grksn_2020 May 11, 2020

True stupidity at heights

HP SphF25 May 11, 2020

You may want to tag the company name and also include Deloitte, as they are both in the consulting business, to get an idea of TC.

Microsoft HWSYS OP May 12, 2020

#deloittedigital #deloitte