Health & WellnessDec 13, 2023

Ethnicity should be a choice, too.

Some may remember Rachel Dolezal, the ex-NAACP chapter president outed as white. Although she misrepresented her race, too, it leads me to a broader question: Why is it OK if someone wants to change their gender, but not OK if they want to change their ethnicity?? Contradiction much? I don't care which social group a person identifies as; I will respect that. To me, honoring how people choose to identify is key. What are your views on the fluidity and self-determination of identity in our evolving world? NOTE: "Ethnicity" "race," and "ancestry" are not synonyms. #culture #officelife #workplace #socialcode

Amazon ExCon Dec 13, 2023

Okay, from this point on I declare myself a 54 year old Caucasian male from the suburbs with a bachelors degree in English from a non-prestigious university. Where do I go to get all my societal benefits after checking that box?

Capital One caponetest Dec 13, 2023

Sorry, all you get are blame for everything wrong in society and the highest tax burden.

Affirm AFRM Dec 13, 2023

šŸ¤” taxes don't differ by race and most taxes feed out of diverse cities to older caucasian folks in rural areas

Google iamsmartes Dec 13, 2023


Capital One caponetest Dec 13, 2023

Wtf is this. You don't choose your ethnicity regardless of whatever the doctor assigns you at birth. Source: me, a trans-racial person

Booz Allen Hamilton getRaise() Dec 13, 2023

Give it time

Capital One caponetest Dec 13, 2023

@bah I'm making a list of all the bigots who mock it so I can cancel them in a few years

NewRelic Dark Modds Dec 13, 2023

Race is actually something that can be ambiguous and mixed. There are two genders. Male and female and they are inextricably liked to your sex. People can pretend as much as they like but that doesn't change. You can mutilate yourself and take hormones but it doesn't change your sex or gender. Honoring how people identify is silly and naive. People are what they are and they can't be anything else. You can't be in the wrong body. Because your consciousness is an emergent quality of the physical self. If that doesn't match it is a mental problem, not a physical one. I'm tired of all this nonsense. Also there is no non-binary. Gender is not assigned at birth, it is determined at the moment if fertilization. We need to stop playing along with these clearly mentally disturbed people and do something that actually helps them. And don't even get me started on biological men in women's sports. To your original question "why", it's because the whole woke trans identity ideology is incoherent and falls apart under the slightest scrutiny. But politeness stops people saying what they actually think and know deep down. A 3 year old child can tell you the difference between men and women.

Paylocity NetSpeakUp OP Dec 13, 2023

What Republicans think makes you male or female: 1. What genitals do you have? Reality: 1. What is your chromosomal configuration? Examples include XX, XY, XXY (Klinefelter syndrome), XYY, XXX, and 45,X (Turner syndrome). 2. Do you have the SRY gene, typically found on the Y chromosome and associated with male development? 3. Are there any variations in your sex-determining region Y (SRY) gene that might affect sexual development? 4. Do you have conditions related to sex chromosome aneuploidy, like Klinefelter syndrome (47,XXY), Turner syndrome (45,X), or Triple X syndrome (47,XXX)? 5. Is there evidence of mosaicism in your genetic makeup, such as 45,X/46,XY or 46,XX/46,XY, which can lead to mixed or atypical development of sexual characteristics? 6. Are there any known mutations or variations in your androgen receptor genes that could impact your body's response to male hormones? 7. Do you have any conditions related to androgen insensitivity, which can affect the development of primary and secondary sexual characteristics? 8. How does your body metabolize and respond to sex hormones? (This can be influenced by various genetic and enzymatic factors.) 9. Are there any identified intersex conditions or variations in your sexual development, such as Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH) or Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS)? 10. How do you personally identify in terms of gender, acknowledging that gender identity can be influenced by a complex interplay of genetic, hormonal, environmental, and psychological factors?

NewRelic Dark Modds Dec 13, 2023

Male is the sex that in the absence of infirmity, injury or abnormality produces sperm. Female is the sex that in the absence of infirmity, injury, or abnormality produces eggs.

Disney rQvf67 Dec 13, 2023

Michael Jackson did it

Amazon GPT-bro Dec 13, 2023

I get that your actual intent is to question transgender identity labels. In this line of thinking, perhaps you should consider ā€œtransgender maleā€ similar to ā€œAsian Americanā€ in that a transgender male is not a biological male, but an another category of gender entirely. Gender is a social construct. Baby boys rooms used to be decorated in pink, now we associate pink to girls. What changed? Social constructs.

Paylocity NetSpeakUp OP Dec 13, 2023

no that wasn't my intent at all. But in hindsight, I can see how that could be perceived..

Google KnnO07 Dec 13, 2023

I want to congratulate you on your superb trolling skills.

Google KnnO07 Dec 13, 2023

Honestly? Because there isn't a billion dollar industry behind making ethnicity a matter of self identification the way there is behind making gender a matter of self identification (hormones, surgeries, they are making it rain over there). And also, at the same time there is a billion dollar industry behind making ethnicity immutable and central to one's identity (it's called DEI, they are also making it rain).