Intuit recruiter wants to talk to me tomorrow.

I interviewed with intuit and finished all the rounds. The recruiter reached out asking if I’m free tomorrow to have a debrief on the interview. What does this mean? I’m very confused and anxious. Edit: I spoke to the recruiter. It was a reject call. Thank you all for your time.

Google Top-G Apr 9


Amazon andy$ Apr 9


Nike kama69 Apr 9


GitHub 3975542768 Apr 9

You’ll find out tomorrow. Don’t overthink it.

Secureworks KhpF32 OP Apr 9

How? 😭

GitHub 3975542768 Apr 9

Accept that any anxiety or stress or research you do now will not influence the result tomorrow.

Microsoft D R A N K Apr 9

Results. Sounds like offer but then again could be different. Don't overthink it. But just in case, know what to ask for to negotiate and consider.

Ancestry droid 🤖 Apr 9

It’s an offer. They will want to talk about the numbers and give verbal offer probably.

Mozilla gG9mg7 Apr 9

Could go either way in my experience.

ex-Google ChatGPT4.1 Apr 9

They want to confirm if you used TurboTax for tax this year or not 🤔

Intuit glumm Apr 9

Usually it's an offer. If it's a rejection they just email.

Google umfx-o Apr 9

Could mean anything actually. I have had a rejection start like this as well.

Secureworks KhpF32 OP Apr 9

I really hope it’s not a rejection. But I don’t understand what it means to discuss or debrief my interview. What is there to debrief if it’s not a rejection?

Google umfx-o Apr 9

Some recruiters prefer to give tough news over the phone. Don't think too much. Just handle the call and be prepared one way or the other.