Misc.Dec 21, 2020

Where is the best education available today?

I am reading a biography of Charlie Munger and have noticed a trend with many of the people I admire. They focus on a search for the truth. They have studied widely from the classics to the hard sciences, and have a sense of noblesse oblige. Ivies and other selective colleges used to play this role well: educating while also credentialing, market signaling, and network building. I have a degree from an Ivy but have become disenchanted with the utter failure of most prestigious and selective institutions to accomplish anything other than market signaling and proselytizing postmodern wokeness. If you were a high school senior again or advising someone, what would you recommend? I can think of paths that accomplish one or two of these things but none that accomplish all of them. I mentor several young people and can't unequivocally recommend anywhere these days. TC $375k

VMware spatglngr Dec 21, 2020

I have no clue, but I respect the thought youā€™ve put into your question. šŸ‘

IBM Keycaps Dec 21, 2020

Hard science only. Most woke morons are in the liberal arts school, so you will see fewer of them in the engineering school, and therefore you can actually study.

Coherent Logix Alpha_7 Dec 21, 2020

Blind shows you that most people here have gone on the "hard science" path are mere code monkeys in the constant pursuit of a higher TC. A higher percentage of people who are in the arts domains have a much better spectrum of human qualities & know how to effectively show & use them. Try making some friends outside your "science" bubble. You will meet some wonderful people out there.

LinkedIn aaavp Dec 21, 2020

@alpha_7 Itā€™s ridiculous that you think hard science consists of computer science only or all computer science grads are mere code monkeys. Iā€™ve come from a liberal arts school as well, and your arrogance and jerk reaction is hilariously familiar.

Recursion GtLJ67 Dec 21, 2020

I would still recommend an ivy for undergrad if possible. Maybe someday that will change.

Coherent Logix Alpha_7 Dec 21, 2020

This is an excellent question. I find it hard to believe that any college ever provided all the students with everything you're talking about (irrespective of the domain).

Microsoft Vbsm66 Dec 21, 2020

Ivies are for coasting while padding your resume now. If you want an actual education, go to a better ranked program like MIT or CalTech.

Microsoft Vbsm66 Dec 21, 2020

Also, if you want to actually search for the truth, I recommend a PhD.

Geico JKoy15 Dec 21, 2020

Can you share the name of the book on Charlie Munger?

Facebook mSNb20 OP Dec 21, 2020

'Poor Charlie's Almanack' but you can get the gist from reading his speeches online.

Twitch WTbx26 Dec 21, 2020

Education in what? For 90% of knowledge go find someone who is already doing what you are interested in and go work for them. Higher education is a time/money pit and a trap.

Facebook mSNb20 OP Dec 21, 2020

I agree but does it have to be? I can imagine replacing the knowledge transfer aspects with self study and some additional wisdom with an apprenticeship but what about market signaling and network building?