LayoffsNov 12, 2022

Layoff pattern with employment duration

Can those laid off or know some one who laid off, regardless of employer - take the poll to see if we find a pattern with number of months/years with that employer before the person got pink slip Analysis update: so far, it shows that, 5 years (very expensive, but have baggage and white elephants for change) are let go. So, you know now the probability of laid off relative to others in your org. That’s my observation. Amazon Title :SDE2 TC: 320k

74 Participants
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fiddlestick Nov 12, 2022

This is a waste of time.

Amazon Amzn3333 OP Nov 12, 2022

Well, everting here is waste of time anyways. In fact all so call tech giants like FB, Twitter, Snap, Roblox and many others made billions just producing time wasting, non-essential products for humans. Wrto poll - so far, it shows good facts that, <3 years (less productive and expensive) and >5 years (very expensive, but have baggage and white elephants for change) are let go. So, you know now the probability of laid off relative to others in your org. That’s my observation

fiddlestick Nov 12, 2022

You are grasping at straws, my friend. Talk to a professional if you’re truly anxious about the layoff situation.

Amazon noisey Nov 12, 2022

without knowing the distribution of number of employees by tenure ur analysis is invalid. What if there are just more workers with <1 yoe but the % of laid off in category is less. Probably not likely but who knows

LinkedIn QQLL2 Nov 13, 2022

Average tech tenure is ~2 years. This poll skewing towards LIFO might be better explained by workforce tenure demographics.