Crowdstrike EM interview

Hey, a recruiter reached out to schedule a phone screen, I know I'm jumping the gun, but I want to get a pulse on the type of interview process it is for an EM.

Dropbox WannaQuitN Apr 4

You didn’t ask the recruiter?

Cognizant flames56 OP Apr 4

The call is getting scheduled

CrowdStrike Paladin19 Apr 5

Might be different for certain Groups/Teams but most of the teams normally follow some order of this: 45 minute tech/coding interview, 45 minute hiring manager interview, 90 minute system design/architecture interview, 45 team interview. Good luck!

CrowdStrike YzIl26 Apr 9

Engineering management interviews vary wildly by team and manager. They have not yet been standardized internally.

CrowdStrike wild42069 Apr 16

Second above guy, interviews are team and managers specific. Each team at crowdstrike has its own culture, which is both pro and con.