
Google is out sourcing jobs out of US

I have already discussed this previously on blind as to why it makes sense for these companies to hire outside US where they get same or even better(if you take into account longer working hours in other countries ) for a lower price . Covid has proven that people can work in a distributed fashion. Here is the CFO confirming this. Ruth Porat, Google’s chief financial officer, sent an email to employees announcing that the company would create “growth hubs” in India, Mexico and Ireland. Also as part of the below article Google has laid off employees in what is being described as a “pretty large-scale” restructuring in which the tech giant is moving some jobs overseas.

Google lays off workers as part of ‘pretty large-scale’ restructuring
Google lays off workers as part of ‘pretty large-scale’ restructuring
New York Post
Amazon ideallyrk Apr 17

Not news but it sucks for sure

SMUD Larssss Apr 17

Well...if you are going to hire foreigners anyway might as well hire them in their country for much cheaper

ex-Meta ex-IC6 Apr 17


Apple apple-noob Apr 17

McKinsey consulting at its best. Suck the company and brand dry. Sundar will make millions/billions and leave Google an empty husk.

Google BrinPage8 Apr 17

This is likely exactly what will happen.

Sunnova Energy beepbeeeep Apr 17

I believe Bain is the strategy consulting co inside Google right now, but ya sundar is a mck’y alumni so he’s got that same mentality

Investment Bank Glinda Apr 17

The US should start charging tariffs or a similar penalty for US companies doing this although at least it will cut the need for additional visas.

Atlassian jirapowder OP Apr 17

It will remove the need for visa altogether. If Google can succeed by moving jobs at their scale then nothing is stopping smaller companies to do the same. Now if majority of big tech jobs are moved outside of US then H1B is no longer lucrative. As to your first point government can’t do a thing. This is core of capitalism. Also what is government going to say: why are you not hiring immigrants in US😂

Riot Games VHGR57 Apr 17

I feel sorry for Google. They are destroying themselves and they don’t even see it.

Google BrinPage8 Apr 17

Don’t worry. We definitely notice it. It looks like only the leadership does not.

Figma xzxzxx Apr 17

Leadership sees it, they’re just gonna collect an even bigger check and bail lmao

Bloomberg the_snazzl Apr 17

Companies that significantly outsource jobs outside the country will not remain competitive. They may have a product in the marketplace, but it will slowly die. Innovation doesn’t come from companies without a strong central identity and you can’t have a strong central identity if your workforce is culturally heterogeneous.

Atlassian jirapowder OP Apr 17

These are global companies hence they gain nothing from being centrally located. Also workforce is already culturally heterogeneous . They just happen to live in Bay Area and Seattle

Bloomberg the_snazzl Apr 17

To say that Google’s core identity is global and not American is ridiculous. Google is the essence of Silicon Valley massive tech. Having a presence globally ≠ being a global company.

Microsoft Muad´Dib Apr 17

Perplexity will take over.

LinkedIn migra[in]e Apr 17

But perplexity needs Google to survive 🤣🤣

Google sharma jee Apr 17

Cheaper labor cost + no visa fees + people willing to work late nights Those are exactly the reasons how WITCH companies make money and run their business. But that is also the reason they are sh*t companies to work for.

Atlassian jirapowder OP Apr 17

Correct they are sh*t companies as an employee. Great companies as an employer and shareholder

Google sharma jee Apr 17

Sundar has been a curse to G from an employee perspective. But who cares about that? As long as they make money 🙎 Since he has come to power, benefits have been cut down, salaries reduced, promo budgets slashed, innovation killed, morale lowered, wlb been hit, stability is gone and more. We don't even know what else is coming.

Walmart burnmotha Apr 17

It's better than flooding the US market with H1B workers I guess.

Microsoft JhantGPT Apr 17

Haha genius spotted. Newsflash: h1b workers spend in the US, pay taxes in the US, buy houses in the US and thus support multiple economic pockets and jobs. If they arnt here then all those services and markets will collapse. 🤦🏻‍♂️

Investment Bank Glinda Apr 17

The US economy was just fine before the 1990 H1B legislation, @Microsoft.

Google TylerDrdin Apr 17

"Well, if we can't abuse labor laws and take advantage of workers here, we'll move elsewhere!" - Google shareholders

ex-Adobe vPrm21 Apr 18

"If we cannot stop protests and if we are forced to hire DEI who are not fully qualified, we'll move elsewhere!"